Phone (08) 8843 4123
Open on the 1st Sunday every month 2-4pm, Penwortham, Clare Valley SA

"Our record of the past...Our gift to the future"
The Mount Horrocks Historical Society is a local Society formed in 1983 to preserve, record and research the history of the area from Sevenhill to Leasingham in South Australia.
The Society has premises in Watervale which houses a library, local research facilities and a collection of old photographs and memorabilia donated by members and locals.
The collection forms the basis for the research services provided by the Society for those wishing to know more about their ancestors who lived in the area.
The Society owns John Horrocks Cottage in Penwortham which is State and National Heritage listed and is responsible for its upkeep and accessibility to the public.
Fundraising is ongoing in the form of grants as well as the sale of books and merchandise and providing catering for local events.
The Society keeps in touch with its members through a quarterly newsletter and regular meetings as well as hosting guest speaker events.
The Society instigated arrangements for the unofficial twinning of Penwortham SA with John Horrocks home town of Penwortham in Lancashire UK.
This came to fruition on 22nd March 2006.